After a last minute change of plans, changing from Honduras to Guatemala as our destination, we were quite surprised by the little gem of Floras and the not-to-be-missed Tikal Ruins nearby.
Get a guide.
They are worth the nominal price. Ours was phenomenal and was included with our transport (100 quetzals, $13 USD). If you somehow found your way to the grounds via another means, he was only 50 quetzals. Without a guide, you're just looking at pyramids and structures that, while amazing, you don't know the significance of and you're likely fall into the trap of things "they're all the same".
It's worth going early.
Less tourists in your pictures. The masses didn't show up until after 10AM. There is transport that starts as early at 4AM for those that want to catch a sunrise from an ancient template mount above the tree tops.
Check the weather.
It was cloudy on our day so we opted for the 6AM departure time from Flores. If the skies had been clear, that sunrise would have been tempting.
Hit the main plaza first.
If you don't have a guide, go to the main plaza first because it will fill with tourists quickly after 10AM.
Keep your tickets and stubs.
They are sticklers when it comes to these, whether a tour company or the national park staff. One gentleman from our group was almost forced to get a taxi back to buy another another when he managed to monetarily lose his park entrance ticket in the twenty minutes from the park gate to the ruins gate. ( Luckily for him, it was in the bottom of his bag ).
They only accept cash.
Cash is king with the tour company, the park entrance, and vendors in the park. You won't find an ATM or credit card reader anywhere nearby so dash to an ATM before you go. Our tour company guy was nice enough to run me to a grocery store with an ATM on his motorcycle. The ATM fee of 30-32 quetzals ($4 USD) was not dependent on the amount withdrawn so I grabbed a little more since we were in Guate several days.
Bring bug spray and sun block.
It is a topical jungle after all, at about 1000 feet above sea level. With the clouds on our day, it wasn't too bad (though Patricia is a mosquito magnet despite the weather). Without clouds, sun block is a must as well because you're regularly in the open as you scale the ancient steps.
Bring food.
There are a few vendors outside the park entrance and the entrance to the ruins, if you need to buy sandwiches.